
Andrew Thorn is a dynamic guide to some of the world’s most influential leaders. His deep understanding of purpose and meaning helps others navigate the climb of their life.


Who Am I?

Hello, I am Andrew Thorn.  I spend my time exploring legacy. (Yours and Mine)

My favorite question is “Who do I want to become?”

My answers usually focus on my family, faith, work, and well-being.

I am:

– A devoted husband and father

– A disciple of Jesus Christ

– A dynamic influence

– An example of healthy living


I am Healthy

I love physical exercise. Like a good game of Head-Shoulders-Knees-and Toes, it gets the wiggles out and opens my mind to deeper thought. 

Stacy and I practice yoga every day and I love to play Squash.

Normally, I am a disciplined eater, but I love hamburgers. In fact, if you were to ask me while eating a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger if it was something I would do if it were the last day of my life, the answer would always be yes.

What habits do you practice to stay healthy?

“To enjoy the glow of health, you must exercise.”

Gene Tunney

andrew fitness

I Am a Dynamic Influence

I love adding value in both professional and personal settings.

Stacy and I founded Legacy Sherpa and Telios Corporation for the purpose of expanding our influence.

At Telios, I help organizations elevate their leaders.

As a Legacy Sherpa, I lead remarkable inventures, that help others explore their legacy.  

I love to write books, biographies, essays, letters, poems, and songs. Some of my books are available to the public and others are only available to those I care most about.

I like to share my thoughts with large audiences, but my favorite way to work is in the intimate setting of the one-to-one interaction.

What purposes inspire you to follow, lead and serve?

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

John Quincy Adams


I Am a Devoted Husband & Father

This year (2024), Stacy and I Celebrate 36 years of marriage. She is a remarkable influence on my life and supports me in so many ways. My greatest hope is to spend the rest of my forever with her.

 Five of our seven amazing children are now married. Their beautiful spouses are such an important part of our family, and we can’t imagine life without them. Our 13 gorgeous grandchildren (with 2 on the way) bless our lives. It is noisy, but we love it when we are all together.

Who do you love? How do they know?

“The most important work that you or I will ever do will be within the walls of our own home.”

Harold B. Lee

I Am Disciple of Christ

In all my studies, I am most influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ. With every fiber of my being, I want to be like Him. This declaration is not meant to convert or condemn. It is simply an open acknowledgement of my personal desire to be a disciplined follower of Christ.

I humbly admit that my actions are often a poor representation of that desire. I thank Him for helping me, even forgiving me, when I fall short. I love that He is serious about stretching my soul so that I can become who I am meant to be.

Who, or what is the most powerful spiritual influence in your life?

“Last of all, I witness that He lives—with all that those simple words imply.”

Neal A. Maxwell

andrew fitness

Growing Whole

Dr. Andrew Thorn – The Legacy Sherpa

The Climb of Your Life Podcast

with Dr. Andrew Thorn The Legacy Sherpa

Explore Your Legacy

Guided Inventures / Inner Voice Reflections / Daily Questions

Contact Me

Call, text or WhatsApp: +1 801-702-3548

Email –

Schedule Time and Explore

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